Emsella – Treatment for Incontinence

Looking to reduce frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Nervous to sneeze or laugh in fear of embarrassing leaks? Emsella might be for you!

Regain your confidence with Emsella and City Looks By Visage


Emsella is a breakthrough treatment for incontinence. Emsella uses unique technology to revolutionize intimate health and wellness by offering a completely non-invasive option to help regain your confidence.

Key benefits

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Comfortable 30-minute treatment

How does Emsella work?

  • Emsella uses HIFEM energy to cause deep and intense pelvic-floor muscle contractions, helping patients suffering from incontinent to regain their confidence.
  • HIFEM stimulates the entire pelvic floor and helps restore neuromuscular control. A single session causes thousands of supramaximal pelvic-floor muscle contractions, which is extremely important in muscle re-education and improvement of intimate wellbeing.

This non-invasive treatment using High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology *HIFEM, stimulates the pelvic floor muscles through thousands of contractions allowing anyone suffering from incontinence or urinary urgency to be treated.

  • Say NO to Incontinence – Live a carefree life in as little as 3 weeks!
  • 6 – 28 minute treatments
  • Up to 23% of women take time off work because of their incontinence
  • Women with severe urinary incontinence pay over $900 annually for incontinence routine care
  • 54% of women with undiagnosed incontinence report loss of confidence with 45% report a loss of intimacy
  • 5 – 50% of women with urinary incontinence experience sexual dysfunction
  • More than a third of women between 45 and 50 years avoid athletic activities out of fear of an incontinence episode

Reclaim your life in 3 easy steps

  1. SIT
  2. RELAX
  3. SHINE

Emsella - Treatment for Incontinence

Frequently Asked Questions

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